HOMEキャリア開発リリース株式会社AGENT SUCCESS、グローバル展開に伴い5つの事業を新規で創出!

株式会社AGENT SUCCESS、グローバル展開に伴い5つの事業を新規で創出!



人材紹介事業の立ち上げを推進する株式会社AGENT SUCCESS(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:野村真央 以下、AGENT SUCCESS)は、グローバル展開に伴い新規事業を開始いたします。

AGENT SUCCESS Inc. has created five new businesses in line with global expansion.

AGENT SUCCESSはこれまで、人材紹介のコンサルティング事業を主として展開しておりましたが、世界情勢の変化を受けてグローバル展開を本格的に開始し、それに伴って下記の5事業を新たに開始いたしました。

Until now, AGENT SUCCESS has mainly operated a consulting business for the Recruitment Agency.
In response to changes in the world situation, we have begun full-fledged global expansion and have launched the following five new businesses.

・アントレエージェント / Agent for the entrepreneur

A new agent service that connects entrepreneurs with venture capital and angel investors.

・エージェントリレーションを中心とした採用コンサルティング/ Consulting for recruitment activity
Consulting services for startups and venture companies, specializing in their recruitment issues from the perspective of agent relations.

・SNSリスクマネジメントコンサルティング / Consulting for the SNS operation
Risk management consulting based on actual cases before and after blow up.

・グローバル人材紹介 / Agent for the foreign-affiliated companies
Cultivate new customers, mainly from global companies, and introduce people who can play an active role both domestically and internationally.

・インベストメント / Investment
Angel investments mainly in startups that are expanding globally.
stock investment, art investment, crypto asset investment, etc.

Company’s name:AGENT SUCCESS Inc.
Location:3-7-2 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative:Mao Nomura / CEO
Business:Consulting for launching a recruitment agency
Permission number:13 - ュ - 315350
URL: https://agentsuccess.jp/
Contact us: https://agentsuccess.jp/contact/

Until now, We felt that the Human Resources industry had a rapid flow of people in and out.
The reason for this is that the people working there are tired.This situation has continued for many years, Industry-changing innovations have yet to occur.

By utilizing our experience of collaborating with numerous recruitment agencies, we will work with you to create a guidepost for agents to succeed themselves.